

I had six months to lose weight and get into shape for my wedding. I was recovering from rotator cuff surgery and knew that I was going to need the help of a professional trainer. My biggest concern was finding someone who was both knowledgeable, and willing to challenge me hard enough to make progress without putting me at risk of further injury or a setback.

David was absolutely the most perfect trainer I could have found and was a pleasure to work with. He's extremely knowledgeable about the body, exercising, and dieting. His soft-spoken personality is supportive and reassuring, but he always made sure to challenge and push me during our workouts.

David's focus and pace moving through our training sessions was amazing. He made sure I always got the most out of my hour with him, and even went the extra mile, asking me to text him my weight loss progress each day to help make sure I was staying on track with nutrition through the days I didn't see him.

Over the course of six months, I lost 35 pounds, dropped 11% body fat, and regained strength in my shoulder without re-injuring it. I felt strong, confident, and beautiful on my wedding day. David is honestly the best trainer I've ever worked with. I can't recommend him enough.


Before I started working with David, my goal was to get stronger so I could help my dad (who was 93 then) get in and out of the car safely.  I had always loved going to the gym and doing cardio, but the weight room was like the Chamber of Secrets - mysterious and seemingly inaccessible.  I had worked briefly with a trainer in the past, and when I told them I wanted to "get ripped", they gave me a few exercises using 10 pound dumbbells. I wanted a coach who would actually take me seriously.

Working with David has been transformational. It's the best investment you will ever make in your physical and mental health and well-being. My favorite result so far was deadlifting 210 pounds at a powerlifting meet. Just a year ago it had never even entered my mind to do a powerlifting meet until David encouraged me to try it. He knew I could do it even when I doubted it myself, and that gave me the courage to go for it. Achieving this made me feel unstoppable.

Outside the gym, all of the lifting has translated into improved functional strength and stamina in dance, tennis and daily life. It's been six years since I first started training with David and in that time I've seen how dedicated he is to growing professionally and using his knowledge and expertise to benefit his clients. He will push you and challenge you, and won’t let you give up. You will end up being amazed at what you can do.



Working with David has allowed me to become more in tune with my overall health and well-being. He has a great training style that is down to business, but engaging and fun at the same time. He brings his A-game to every single training session to ensure his clients receive the full value and benefit of working with a trainer. I always felt accomplished and revitalized after every one of our workouts.

In just 8 weeks, I was able to lose 20 pounds and drop from 21% body fat down to 15%. I had never deadlifted in my life and started at 95 pounds. Now I have increased my deadlift to over 225 pounds.

Training with David has helped me build more confidence, increase my daily energy levels, and improve my overall health markers. He held me accountable and was the extra push that propelled me past all of my plateaus. He helped shift my mindset and perspective on fitness and health in such a positive way.



David pushed me harder than any other trainer I've ever worked with. He did this in a way that made me feel empowered, confident, and strong. His genuine inspiration, meticulous attention to form, and encouragement pushes you beyond what you think you can do.

In two months, I went from being able to deadlift 65 lbs to over 175 lbs. In fact, we added weight to every single strength exercise we did. Much to my astonishment and even when I was convinced I couldn't do something, David was there to believe in me. My strength and stamina increased significantly.

Honestly, David made me feel like I could do just about anything and I genuinely felt that he was 100% invested in helping me achieve my goals. If you have specific fitness or health goals to meet, David is the trainer you want. I feel stronger and more confident than I ever have before.



David has helped change my life on so many levels. He is a dedicated trainer who really gets to know who you are, your overall lifestyle, and your daily struggles. One of my biggest fears was the idea of working out with a trainer for a full hour, and the overall commitment to staying active on a daily basis. However, David has provided me the proper tools and accountability to live a healthier lifestyle that is sustainable for me in the long term.

I have dropped a total of 28 pounds, and reduced my body fat by over 12%. I have lost 6 inches off my waist and 4 inches off of my chest, and so much more! My nutrition and eating habits have always been a struggle, but David has helped guide me through making better choices without depriving myself. My energy levels are up and I have more endurance with my workouts. I no longer fear the gym or working out, and my desire to be physically active has increased.

My body and mind have changed and I am so grateful for everything. I have struggled with my weight and my confidence for as long as I can remember. With David's help, I now feel good in my own skin. I feel confident, sexy and healthy.



Working with David online, I was looking to change my poor decision making and bad habits that I had developed with my food, fitness and health. I was gaining 10+ lbs per year and these problems began to compound despite maintaining a semi-active lifestyle.

You can find a personal trainer anywhere, but David is incredibly supportive and professional in that he treats you like you are his only client. He was always open to receiving texts/calls and answering any questions I had throughout the day. He was a friend I could confide in, and I never felt ashamed to ask him anything or let him know if I slipped up on the program.

The daily check-ins and weekly recaps were huge for me in maintaining accountability and achieving the results I desired. I have lost over 15% body fat as well as 25 lbs in 3 short months. My energy levels are back to what they were a few years ago when I was healthier. I actually look forward to being in a bathing suit, looking at myself in the mirror and overall just having confidence when interacting socially that I did not have prior to starting his program.

The consistency and discipline I have developed has become second nature to me at this point and I don't have thoughts in the back of my head telling me to give up or that fitness and health are too difficult anymore. David helped me discover that intermittent fasting is one tool that really worked for me. Even when I had a bad day of eating, or slacked on my meals a bit, keeping the fasting time consistent helped minimize the damage. This allowed me to maintain and continue to progress even throughout holidays or other special occasions. Overall, my desire to fast and not deviate too far from my discipline has made sustainability not only doable, but enjoyable.

Thank you David, I could not have done this without you. I truly appreciate the person your program has allowed me to become.



When I began the year, I was not proud of my body. I wasn’t comfortable posting pictures, dressing up in certain ways, and in general, just felt very tired and sluggish. I told myself that if there was one New Years Resolution I would accomplish, it would be to be healthier and active. I started this journey on January 21, 2020. Since then I have seen the changes I’ve gone through, physically and mentally, and am proud of where I currently am. Even with COVID happening, I was determined to stay focused on my goals and accomplish them.

I started the year weighing 145.5lbs. Today I weigh 119.4llbs. In 7 months I have lost 24.9lbs of fat mass. My body fat percentage has gone down by 12%. And overall, I feel good about myself and what I’m eating. I’m more energized, and just happy to look in a mirror and see what I’ve accomplished. Honestly, the amount of positivity I have toward my body is insane and I’m glad to have reached that finally at the age of 23.

I have to thank my trainer David, who really pushed me in the right direction and supported me all through it. I definitely recommend reaching out to him if you want to set changes for yourself and have the mentality to do it. He has helped me reach a point in my life where I truly am confident with myself and all of the work I've done to help my body become healthy and fit. Everyone can do this, you just need to find the right support system to do it.



Like a lot of people, I fell off my habits and routine once the shelter-in-place really kicked in and my gym closed its doors.  Mentally, this put me in a funk and I wasn't motivated at all to be active or think about my diet.  I gained a good amount of weight and saw my body fat increase in what felt like every week.  It was important for me to figure out a solution because I knew the path I was going down was just digging a deeper and deeper hole for my overall health.  I knew not having a plan or guidance for my diet and a lack of access to gym equipment was going to continue being a challenge.

Working online with David, my biggest hesitation was not having in-person communication and engagement.  I assumed that because I wasn't going to a gym and because I wasn't going to be counting calories, that any other solution may not actually work.  However, once I started working with David I began seeing immediate results and got a ton of value out of the accountability system that he created.  Our weekly recaps and the information that he frequently shared was super helpful. We set up a system of consistent check-ins and anytime I had a question he was quick to respond.  I believe that this level of accountability and guidance was the main factor in helping me reach my goals. His encouragement throughout the process has been extremely beneficial.

I lost over 20 pounds over the course of 12 weeks. I can see noticeable differences in how lean I am in every area of my body. I feel great about this achievement and I'm motivated again to be healthy.  This is probably the best shape I've ever been in because I'm more conscious of every decision I make.  Other people in my network of family and friends have noticed the differences in my body and I'm proud that I stuck with the plan.



I began working with David because I knew I was out of shape and it was really beginning to impact activities and hobbies of mine. I started to notice my lack of fitness when my regular hiking partner started leaving me behind on simpler trails because I just couldn't keep up.

I was concerned with the idea of going into a gym because in the past I had done strength training and never really got much out of it. This was mainly because the coaches would just turn the class loose unsupervised in the weight room for an hour. I just didn't know what I was doing most of the time and was super hesitant about facing judgment because of it. 

Working with David is worth the investment. Like everyone else, I also had plenty of concerns and worries about starting my fitness journey, but David’s coaching is very straightforward and sensible. He provided structure, guidance, and encouragement, and always left me feeling confident and capable after our workouts. Knowing that I was being held accountable to someone else who was using their time and effort to support me was a major factor in my desicion to keep pushing forward after I started.

I am now able to do push-ups, can deadlift more than my own bodyweight, squat with a barbell, and then some. I have built healthier habits, better energy, and greater motivation and confidence in myself. I am super grateful for all of the advice and assistance David has given me.



My main goals when I began working out were to gain weight and size. I've always been really small and felt insecure about it. I was skeptical because I've worked with other trainers before, but they didn’t seem to really care about me or my goals. I never achieved the results I was looking for until I met David.

David is a very straightforward, no B.S. trainer, who really puts forth the effort to make sure you know exactly what it takes to stay on the path of success. The level of compassion and engagement he brings during our sessions is incredible. He is always pushing me towards my limits without it ever being too much to handle, and he is also very persistent with keeping you focused and on track towards your goals outside of the gym.

After a year of training, I have gained 15 lbs. of lean muscle mass while keeping my body fat levels steady. I've gone from never deadlifting to being able to lift over 240 lbs. I’m also waking up earlier, making better food choices, and becoming more productive with my daily routine overall. I'm extremely happy he has come into my life and changed it for the better. I would not be where I am today without his help.


Before I started working with David, my primary goal was to build strength and tone my body. I felt like I was already at my target weight, but really wanted to focus on becoming stronger and challenging myself to do something different.

I never believed that I could bench, squat or deadlift with barbells, but David is great at fine tuning your technique and movement patterns, and slowly building up your confidence to tackle bigger weights and challenges.

I think the most surprising thing has been seeing myself slowly progress over the days, weeks and months. How a certain weight or rep count 2 weeks ago was a struggle, and then the same weight would move so easily a couple weeks later.

My favorite result I worked towards was doing a powerlifting meet! I think meet day was something that will always be an experience to talk about. The focus, commitment and energy of the people at the meet was amazing. I felt very happy and proud that I signed up and showed up.



David is a very knowledgeable and experienced trainer. He takes the time to check in with my progress and needs every time we meet, and gives me his full attention during our training sessions, which are always challenging and empowering. He knows how to push me just outside my comfort zone, but always within my capabilities.

Since I've began training with David, I have lost over 21 pounds, and 11% body fat. He really invests in his clients' success and is one of the best personal trainers I know.


Working with David, my main goal was to get stronger and feel healthier from the inside out. This was important to me because my health had taken a downward turn in the last 5 years due to the loss of a family member and chronic stress and burnout from my profession.

I appreciate David’s individualized approach. There is a balance of logic and intuition, which I trust. I like how he keeps track of the amount of weight lifted each week as we move up slowly.  I feel that my opinions matter and he takes them into consideration to adjust my workouts as needed.

Completing my first powerlifting meet was an achievement and I am very proud to have followed through. Honestly, I could not have done it without David’s guidance. For me, there was not a goal to win, but rather to grow. My body physically feels healthier and stronger. My confidence in strength training has increased and I believe it is possible to reach any goal. I have not felt this way about my body in a long time. I look forward to continuing the journey.


Before working with David, I initially just wanted to get fit for my brother's wedding and look good wearing a gown. I was at a point where I was afraid there was nothing I could do to change my physique, and that my mental health would be a hindrance to change. I thought I tried everything, but it turns out all I needed was some guidance.

Working out with David is awesome and fun! What surprised me is how much I enjoy lifting weights now. I’m learning how to push my limits and surpass them. More importantly, I feel comfortable with the more private environment compared to bigger gyms. David challenges me and pushes me out of my comfort zone, and on the days when I’m struggling, he always reminds me of my “why”. Compared to other things I’ve tried in the past, I feel like this is something I could do for a long time.

My best achievement so far is gaining mental clarity and losing 20 lbs. I have seen a big change in my physique and mental health, and I can get into my uniform again hassle free! Those around me have instantly seen how much weight I’ve lost and how much more positive energy I have now.



David provides accountability, encouragement, and variety in each of his workouts. He is knowledgeable and mindful about properly warming up as well as pushing me to my limits without risk of injury. I always feel safe working with him and I have without a doubt gained strength and confidence in the gym. He is my favorite trainer of the many I have met and worked with over the past years!



David is truly passionate about his job and is serious about helping others change their lives. It’s never really been easy for me to lose weight, especially with me being over 50 now, but with his guidance and motivation, I have been able to lose over 30 lbs. and 7% body fat! Losing the weight wasn’t even the best part of my journey. The best part is that I feel fabulous and confident because I have been able to keep it off by establishing a routine. I now meal prep weekly and train hard with weights at least 4 times per week.

One thing I admire about David is that he is very in tune with his clients' progress and well-being, and asks about other areas outside of our workouts like my sleep, nutrition, and overall stress. Whether I’m tired or full of energy, David knows how to gage exactly how far to push me on any given day. I always feel fantastic after our training sessions.